Left is from debate watch party September 10,
2024; the rest are from Annual LTDC picnic
September 10, 2024 |
1 Left LTDC Members and guests
State Senator Cindy Friedman
State Representative Ken Gordon
2 Melanie Thompson and Deepika Sawhney
delagates to the Democratic Natioanl Comvention
Representative Michelle Ciccolo and event host
Taylor Singh |
State Senator Mike Barrett
Photos by Margaret Coppe except top left unknown
What Is The Lexington Democratic Town Committee?
The Lexington Democratic Town Committee is established
under the authority of the General Laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Charter of the
Democratic Party of Massachusetts. Under this authority,
the Lexington Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) is
charged with furthering the ideals and aims of the
Democratic Party locally, in Massachusetts, and
Goals of the LDTC
- to enhance the democratic process by engaging more
people in political activities;
- to bring issues of social, economic, and political
importance to public awareness;
- to work through the electoral process to get
Democratic candidates elected to public office, in
county, state and national positions.
In order to address these goals, the LDTC holds at
least four business meetings a year and additional
events. The LDTC hosts speakers on current topics as
well as candidates for office and elected officials.
Each year it holds the annual town-wide Democratic
Caucus which elects a delegation of Lexington's
Democrats to attend the State Convention. It furthers
the building of political community through parties,
picnics, and rallies. The LDTC works actively to achieve
the election of Democratic candidates.
Meetings of the LDTC are open to the public.
Composition of the Committee
In accordance with the Charter, the LDTC has 35 Elected
Members (chosen for four-year terms at the time of the
quadrennial Presidential Primary) and a variable number
of Associate Members. Elected members who have
been active for 20 or more years are designated "20-year
members" and are not required to run for reelection at
primary time. Vacancies in the roster of Members may be
filled at any duly scheduled and announced meeting of
the LDTC. Candidates to fill vacancies are chosen from
the list of Associate Members. Associate Members are
elected by the LDTC Members from those registered
Democrats who volunteer to assist in Democratic Party
activities in Lexington. Members and Associate Members
are expected to volunteer for, and to participate
actively in, the work of the committee. Only elected
members have the right to vote on business matters which
come before a duly scheduled and announced meeting of
the LDTC.
Join Our Mailing List
The Lexington Democratic Town Committee email list is
the best way to find out about upcoming Lexington
Democratic events and campaign updates. We typically
send no more than three or four emails per month about
local events and campaigns. We do not rent or sell our
list to other groups or organizations and a user can opt
out at any time. Please click on the link to join.